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These are my notes on cooking. Recipes, thoughts on kitchen life, snippets of information. Things I want to remember for myself and to pass on to my kids. I am writing them here as a way to organize and document my thoughts as well as to share them with others.

Cooking for me is a way of being, of interacting with the world. It changes as I change and evolve. Having run my own bakery and coffee shop for 11 years, my cooking life is now centered around where it began, my home kitchen. I believe firmly in simple, nourishing food that can fit into and enhance your life. My recipes have been featured in Bon Appetit, Vogue and Food and Wine magazine.

Subscribing helps to support my work, making it sustainable for me to continue. It also ensures that you never miss an update as it will be delivered right into your inbox. As a paid subscriber you get full access to my newsletter and all of my notes, recipes and archive, and will also be first to be notified of any special events.

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Subscribe to Still Life With Lemon

Simple, intuitive cooking for everyday life. Recipes and notes from the kitchen by Jessica Hicks.


Cook and artist based in Detroit, born and raised in Australia. In a not too distant life I opened, ran and then closed Astro Coffee and Ochre Bakery. These days I paint, make pots and cook at home.